Blogs - DXC Technology

Low Code, giving the business what it wants from software development: speed, agility, appeal

Written by Desiree Kuijpers | May 19, 2020
These corona times once again prove how important it is for organisations to respond swiftly to the unexpected. They need the capacity to act fast. To cut costs and boost turnover. While Corona is an extreme example, business must always act on market changes. The faster you move, the greater your market share. You need loads of flexibility and creativity but also the right technology. Like Low Code.

What you see is what you get

Low Code means superfast software development with ready-made building blocks, working in close cooperation with the business for a visually appealing product. No more endless discussions, misunderstandings or disappointments. What you see is what you get. And the business really appreciates being involved in software development. That’s because you come up with new ideas and insights along the way. No problem at all with Low Code.

Low Code Centre of Excellence

Gartner predicts explosive growth in Low Code software development in the coming years due precisely to all these developments and more effective cooperation between IT and the business. How long have people been complaining about the gap between those two worlds and the shadow IT that emerged to fill it? Low Code relegates all that to history. We’re not saying that because it’s the future according to Gartner. But because we’re already seeing it in our everyday reality. Working from our Low Code Centre of Excellence we are supporting clients to develop Low Code applications and to implement Low Code as a strategic development methodology in their organisations. 

Guarantee for agility and continuity

We support clients not just with Low Code professionals, but also with our Management of Change consultants when it comes to implementing Low Code. Because although Low Code will delight your business, it means a huge change for your developers. Their work will be less about programming code and more about developing applications alongside the business. Quite a challenge. While they will be able to work faster, with more interaction and inspiration, it will take some getting used to for seasoned programmers. But it’s inevitable that Low Code will come to all organisations.  It’s a guarantee for speed, agility and continuity. Which is why it’s a good idea to make that change quickly. Corona time might even be the right time. To put you ahead of the field for the future.

Proof of concept

If you’re wondering where to start, what’s the most suitable platform and how to embed this sustainably in your organisation, ask us for a free Proof of Concept. For instance, for that one business application that should have been renewed already but is such a daunting prospect. We can take on that challenge because our Low Code experience with clients confirms Gartner’s prediction: Low Code is the future. And that future starts now.   

Desiree Kuijpers: tel. 070 799 0030 / 06 4271 6991