
Providing the service and attention your employees deserve is key. So how do you create time for it?

Rik Burgering
3 min read

In traditional service management, there was an (un)spoken truth at play: ‘We’ll provide it, and people will just let us know when it isn’t working. Then we’ll see what we can do. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month. It’ll be fixed when it’s fixed.’ 

But for organizations that are serious about attracting and retaining the top talent that’s out there, things have changed. To stand out from the crowd, matching salaries won’t cut it. In many cases, it’s employee experience at your organization that can sway a candidate’s decision, and bring them through the doors. 

As a result, service management, and with it your organization's ability to effectively serve and attend to its employees, holds real sway over business value. The key factor is enabling any employee to do their work to the best of their ability, in the way that suits them most. 

DXC has been rapidly innovating with ServiceNow to create these employee-centric experiences within enterprise organizations. Below, we’ll explore how you can leverage ServiceNow’s flexible application toolbox to support and motivate your employees better than ever.


Tailoring your service provision to individual employees with ServiceNow

Each team and department within an organization performs a different function. That’s a no-brainer. However, what often isn’t as obvious is that tailoring the digital environments that your organization provides for each team can hugely boost their productivity. 

Human Resource and IT departments, for example, deal with very different requests. More human versus more technical, document-heavy versus code-heavy, and so on. The employees in these teams need access to different tools, and often deal with different compliance protocols. Tailoring the interface that each team sees is the logical conclusion. With ServiceNow, how it’s presented and which functionalities it contains can be adjusted to suit. 

ServiceNow’s adaptability also enables providing the same services via a different user experience. “This means that inputs can be processed in a rapid, standardized way, facilitating collaboration and cooperation within and across your internal departments,” explains DXC ServiceNow expert Rik Burgering. “At the same time, the interface remains tailored to each employee.”


Evolving with ServiceNow: From effective onboarding to increased employee retention 


“If you onboard right, with predefined steps and automation, people know what’s needed, where they need to go, and who to turn to if they experience issues in those early days. It helps hugely to avoid awkwardness, and generate a sense of belonging,” says DXC’s Rik Burgering. 

Providing these initial services is key to making new employees instantly feel that they belong, that they’re valued, and that they can start delivering value. Over time, this early experience can also contribute to increased loyalty to the organization, with improved employee retention rates. 

ServiceNow’s vast range of automations can lay the groundwork here. HR, IT and Facility Management play a role in welcoming new employees into the workplace, from sorting laptops, access keys and identity badges to hammering out holiday and salary agreements. ServiceNow facilitates combining these elements in a single platform, creating easy cohesion between otherwise siloed departments.

ServiceNow also enables organizations to create a one-stop portal containing everything each employee needs to access across IT, HR, FM and Legal departments. As a result, ServiceNow accelerates each employees’ ability to troubleshoot minor day-to-day issues, leading to an increased sense of ownership, autonomy and satisfaction. At the same time, ServiceNow relieves your support teams’ workload, empowering them to focus on low-volume, high-complexity issues — where resolution is infinitely more rewarding, too. 

Leverage ServiceNow to decrease admin, and increase productivity 

Administration doesn’t just slow down productivity, and create mountains of frustrating, demotivating paperwork. An overload can cause real issues for an organization, too.

Take Vendor Risk Management, for example. In modern business, organizations often deal with multiple brokers and providers for the services needed to keep the wheels turning. For each of them, industry rules and regulations, data compliance, licenses, invoicing and contracts need to be kept up to speed, and free of loopholes. Often, there’s a lack of structure, and it’s easy to see where human error might cause things to slip through the cracks. Fortunately, ServiceNow can help. 

Using ServiceNow, we’re able to work with clients to digitize and automate this core administration as far as possible. Free of this burden, employees can ditch the busywork, get back to creating real value, and enjoy the boost in job satisfaction this brings. All thanks to ServiceNow.


Boost employee happiness with ServiceNow

Individually tailored digital workflows, rapid service across coordinated HR, FM, IT and Legal departments, and freedom to meet the objectives for which they were hired. It’s a recipe for enhancing the employee experience in your organization that’s fully achievable with ServiceNow.

For more information, and to dive into the details of how ServiceNow can help you better serve your employees, don’t hesitate to reach out to the DXC team here.


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