Empower your IT ecosystem using Enterprise Service Management with DXC and ServiceNow


In a world where Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are at the forefront of business strategy, harnessing and interpreting ESG data has become a pivotal driver of success. It's not just about compliance; it's about making informed decisions that impact your organization's sustainability, reputation, and bottom line.

Technology and employees’ expectations of it are constantly evolving. Security and compliance requirements are intensifying. Remote working means employee access to digital services is more important and scrutinized, especially for external users of your services.

Customers expect a seamless user experience when interacting digitally with your services in today's market.

Enterprise Service Management (ESM) is your organization’s route to centralizing this service delivery: Transforming service experiences and increasing operational efficiency.

Understanding Enterprise Service Management (ESM)

ESM is a key tool to accelerate your enterprise’s technology-driven business transformation. While ESM isn’t digital transformation in itself, it helps enable it. How? By applying ITSM practices and benefits to wider business areas:

Human Resources (HR)

  • Legal
  • Facilities
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • And more

ESM enables all these teams to offer and deliver enterprise services, rapidly and intuitively.  Streamlining, automating, and optimizing workflows across your entire enterprise — for better performance, service delivery, and results.

Service management has shifted from IT-centric to enterprise-wide models. For organizations adjusting to increased remote working, it’s vital to deliver shared services efficiently and cost-effectively.

But this can be tough. Complex, siloed tools and platforms scupper productivity, service delivery, and efficiency, hiking up costs.

ESM is the solution. It helps organizations articulate and consistently offer their services to employees through a unified portal, accessible 24/7. One of ESM’s objectives is to bring internal processes together via an integrated approach.

Several factors have driven ESM’s comprehensive, integrated approach:

  • Shifting manual process work, from in-office to fully digital
  • Impacted employee well-being, creating a shift in working environments
  • Centralizing operating budgets, to reduce costs and maximize productivity
  • Rationalization to maximize control, agility, and savings across your service management tooling suite

A single portal, for ease and collaboration

With unified processes, your teams will have the right information available, at the right time. Naturally, each department or team works with their own processes and tools. However, with an ESM approach, all these processes come together to deliver a seamless user experience. That enhances:

  • Cross-enterprise collaboration
  • Operational efficiency
  • Employee productivity
  • Employee experience

This is for service management that aligns with business goals, and guarantees compliance and cost efficiency.

For further details on ESM, visit our in-depth page here.


IT Service Management (ITSM) creates the foundation for ESM. ESM cherry-picks relevant ITSM workflows, introducing their structure to other business areas. ESM can encompass the entire enterprise: From HR to finance, facilities to marketing, and so on.

To read more about the links and differences between ITSM and ESM, click here.

Key benefits of implementing ESM

IT leaders are ideally placed to drive ESM transformation across their company. Leveraging their ITSM expertise, they can light the way to increased efficiency, minimized costs, and improved employee experience and productivity.

Key outcome-based ESM benefits are:

Improved agility

With smarter, more efficient digital workflows.

Reduced costs

Leave IT cost headaches and finance shortages behind.

Better risk management and compliance


Through control, adaptability, and an all-round view of your IT ecosystem.

Improving service quality


Minimize service interruptions and downtime.

Enhanced collaboration


All departments can access the right information, when they need it.

Better end-user experience


Boosting productivity and motivation.

ESM software empowers IT leaders to manage and govern a unified IT ecosystem: One that extends into all departments, to elevate performance enterprise-wide.

The power of ServiceNow for ESM

Choosing the right ESM tool starts with identifying your enterprise’s main issues — and critical success factors. With quality ESM tooling, you’ll:

  • Gain control over your IT landscape: Evolving beyond siloed IT.
  • Integrate your IT ecosystem: Creating a one-stop service portal by interconnecting processes and departments.
  • Streamline processes and interfaces: Minimizing inefficiencies.
  • Reduce costs: Via automation and improved resource management.

As a leading ESM platform, ServiceNow helps you kickstart better service delivery:

  • Build your first business service success for a line of business or department
  • Create a small center of excellence to build core competencies
  • Power service delivery across the enterprise, for speed and agility at scale
  • Build in repeatability, reliability, and quality assurance with services/apps delivered via the ServiceNow platform
  • Standardize service quality at scale from a reliable core
  • Rationalize your ESM software suite for greater control, savings, and agility 

Which ServiceNow ESM option is right for you?

Our knowledgeable consultants will help you work that out. We have years of experience bringing ESM to life for wide-ranging customers (particularly in finance and digital services).

Harnessing ServiceNow Enterprise Service Management, we’ll help you transform your business outcomes.

DXC as your ESM partner

We don’t just deliver platform knowledge. We’re a trusted, reliable partner for ESM implementation and beyond:

  • Analyzing your digital system landscape and compliance status
  • Determining your ESM project’s scope, organizational readiness, and critical success factors
  • Delivering valuable insights to redefine your work processes
  • Implementing an ESM program tailored to your business, building from ServiceNow’s end-to-end digital workflow platform

Why choose DXC?

Leveraging ServiceNow's robust technology, DXC can give your enterprise the tools it needs to stay agile and navigate disruption:

  • Enhancing revenue and driving cost reduction
  • Providing insight into compliance and reducing risk
  • Elevating employee and customer service experiences
  • Helping your business reach digital maturity

Ready to transform your IT landscape with ESM?

Contact our ESM ServiceNow team to learn more about how our Enterprise Service Management solution with ServiceNow can help accelerate your customers’ technology-driven business transformation and empower your IT ecosystem.

Contact us by filling out the form, and one of our ESM ServiceNow experts will be in touch shortly.