Business transformation with IT4IT

How to transform your business toward a coherent, agile IT department with fast and flawless operations, with the IT4IT framework.


On this page, we'll dive deeper into IT4IT, how it drives successful business transformation through streamlined IT operations and processes, implementing IT4IT, and the role of ServiceNow.

Introduction to IT4IT

IT4IT is a vendor-independent open standard for managing the business of IT. It offers a holistic framework that harmonizes IT strategy with corporate objectives, optimizes IT resource utilization, and enhances the delivery of IT services with utmost efficiency.  

The IT4IT Reference Architecture 

The Open Group developed the IT4IT Reference Architecture, which is based on the concept of value streams. A value stream represents a sequence of coordinated activities that collectively yield a product or service, delivering substantial value to the customer. Within the framework, several key value streams, including the Build, Run, and Manage value streams, play a central role.

Each value stream encompasses a range of IT functions, such as IT project management, IT service management, and IT asset management. The IT4IT Reference Architecture establishes a standardized approach for defining and interlinking these functions, along with the accompanying data and processes that underpin them.

By embracing the IT4IT Reference Architecture, organizations can:

  • Elevate the alignment of IT strategy with overarching business objectives.
  • Amplify the efficiency and effectiveness of IT operations.
  • Simplify the integration of IT with other core business functions.
  • Foster an environment of continuous improvement for IT services.

The IT4IT Reference Architecture is an indispensable tool for any organization seeking to optimize the management of its IT resources, empowering them to navigate the path to excellence. 

Importance of IT4IT in business transformation

In our ever-evolving world, enterprises face relentless pressures to evolve and maintain their competitive edge. Such transformation necessitates the embrace of novel technologies, the deployment of fresh processes, and the inception of innovative business models.

Amidst this backdrop, IT assumes a pivotal role as the catalyst of business transformation and IT modernization. Yet, to effectively fulfill this mission, IT must harmonize with corporate objectives and possess the capability to deliver the requisite services that empower the business. 

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Understanding the IT4IT framework

As mentioned, the IT4IT framework is rooted in the concept of IT value chains, which represent the sequence of activities an organization conducts to enhance the value of a business or IT service. The Open Group defines a value stream as a series of activities that yield favorable outcomes for customers, stakeholders, and end users.

Within the framework, each value stream is dedicated to the optimization and harmonization of a critical facet within the overarching service model.

The 4 pillars of the IT4IT framework

The IT4IT Reference Architecture is anchored in four essential pillars:

  1. Strategy to Portfolio (S2P): The S2P pillar dedicates itself to the design and orchestration of IT services. It encompasses vital activities like formulating IT strategies, managing portfolios, and orchestrating demand. The primary objective of this pillar is to guarantee the alignment of IT investments with business objectives and optimize the IT portfolio to cater to business needs.
  2. Requirement to Deploy (R2D): The R2D pillar centers on the development and delivery of IT services. It encompasses pivotal functions such as requirements management, project administration, and application development. The core aim of the R2D pillar is to ensure the timely and budget-compliant delivery of IT services that seamlessly address the business's requirements.
  3. Request to Fulfill (R2F): The R2F pillar focuses on the seamless operation and support of IT services. It encompasses essential activities like incident resolution, problem management, and change administration. The primary goal of the R2F pillar is to ensure the availability, reliability, and alignment of IT services with the business's needs.
  4. Detect to Correct (D2C): The D2C pillar is dedicated to the perpetual oversight and enhancement of IT services. It entails critical functions like IT service monitoring, IT performance enhancement, and continuous IT improvement. The primary objective of the D2C pillar is to ensure the continuous monitoring and enhancement of IT services to address the evolving demands of the business. 

Business Transformation with IT4IT

As mentioned before, IT4IT emerges as a cornerstone in business transformation, offering a robust framework for the convergence of IT with corporate objectives, the effective management of IT resources, and the efficient delivery of IT services. In business transformation, IT plays a pivotal role in driving change. However, the absence of a clear understanding of how IT can align with business objectives often leads to misaligned or ineffective IT initiatives.

The role of IT4IT in Business Transformation

IT4IT serves as the compass that guides IT alignment with business objectives by fostering a shared language and comprehension of IT processes and functions. This bridge breaks down barriers between IT and the business, establishing IT as a steadfast partner in transformation endeavors.

Furthermore, the framework amplifies the efficiency and effectiveness of IT operations. It standardizes the definition and interrelation of IT functions, eradicating duplication of effort and fostering enhanced communication and collaboration among IT teams. The result? Expedited time-to-market for new products and services and reduced operational costs.

Moreover, IT4IT enhances IT's agility and responsiveness to change. Its adaptable framework for IT management empowers enterprises to swiftly respond to evolving business landscapes—a critical attribute in today's fast-paced environment where rapid adaptability to new opportunities and challenges is paramount.

In sum, the framework stands as a priceless asset for any organization undergoing the rigors of business transformation. With its framework for aligning IT with business objectives, optimizing IT resource utilization, and enhancing the efficiency of IT service delivery, IT4IT assumes the role of a key change enabler.

If you are planning or in the midst of implementing IT4IT to transform your business, here are 5 crucial errors companies make when implementing IT4IT.

Benefits of IT4IT for Business Transformation

In the context of business transformation, the IT4IT Reference Architecture can provide several important benefits:

  • Better support of the digital enterprise
  • Precise alignment of IT with business goals
  • Enhanced visibility into IT expenditure and performance
  • Improved capacity to measure the value of IT investments
  • Increased adaptability and responsiveness to evolving circumstances
  • Mitigation of IT failure risks
  • Strengthened alignment of IT with overall business objectives
  • More motivated employees

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Success stories and case studies

Discover how DXC, as a trusted partner, has leveraged IT4IT to deliver transformative solutions to clients across diverse industries. Explore our compelling case studies, where our collaboration with organizations has driven innovation, operational efficiency, and business success, all underpinned by the power of IT4IT.

Case studies


IT4IT tools and software

IT4IT is not a standalone solution. Therefore, integrating it with existing IT management tools and systems may be a challenge. It requires seamless integration with the current suite of IT management tools and systems, a task that can pose complexities and consume time.

The IT4IT Reference Architecture represents a widely embraced industry standard, supported by various tools and solutions that facilitate its implementation. At DXC, we believe that the ServiceNow platform is an excellent solution for seamless implementation.

ServiceNow's role in IT4IT implementation

ServiceNow can play a significant role in IT4IT implementation. It is a cloud-based platform that provides a comprehensive set of tools and services for IT service management, IT asset management, and IT project management. ServiceNow can be used to implement all of the framework processes, including service strategy, -design, -transition, and continuous service improvement.

By using ServiceNow to implement IT4IT processes, organizations can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their IT management function. Delve deeper into how to transform your IT organization with ServiceNow using IT4IT in this blog.

Benefits of using ServiceNow for IT4IT

ServiceNow offers several valuable features that make it an ideal fit for IT4IT implementation, such as:

  • A Unified Platform: ServiceNow consolidates all IT service management processes into one platform, streamlining IT management and enhancing efficiency.
  • Unified Data Model: It presents a unified data model for centralizing and managing all your IT data, thereby bolstering data visibility and reporting.
  • Customizability: ServiceNow is highly customizable, enabling tailoring to your organization's unique requirements.
  • Cloud-Based Accessibility: Its cloud-based nature ensures accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection, amplifying agility and flexibility. 

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Contact us to transform your digital enterprise

At DXC, we're here to help you unlock the full potential of IT4IT and transform your digital enterprise. Our experienced team of experts understands the intricacies of IT management, and we're committed to providing tailored solutions that align IT with your business objectives. 

Want to know how to transform your business? Request your IT4IT Capability Scan Demo or call us at (+31(0)88 447 4574). Our team of experts is happy to help. 

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