
How to transform your IT organization with ServiceNow using IT4IT

Stephan Badal
6 min read

More often than not, our DXC ServiceNow Strategic Business Group team is brought in to facilitate the IT transformation goals, passion, and capacity that our clients already have. With ServiceNow and the IT4IT™ framework[1] as our go-to tools, we’re able to provide the support they need. This process begins with our IT4IT Capability Scan. Firstly, mapping the client’s target operating model and, secondly, illuminating their path there, utilizing the best framework for the job: ServiceNow plus IT4IT.

With the IT4IT Capability Scan, we’re able to create a tailored IT4IT blueprint which is empowered by the ServiceNow platform and data model, the Common Service Data Model (CSDM). The ServiceNow CSDM is fully aligned with the IT4IT framework. This makes it an ideal fit to implement a strong IT4IT service model backbone for a data-driven IT organization.

Here, we go into more detail on why ServiceNow digital transformation is an ideal fit for enterprise organizations, outline the initial steps on the journey there, and explain the vital role of the IT4IT blueprint for ServiceNow.

Why choose digital transformation with ServiceNow?

ServiceNow provides an exceptionally strong foundation for digital transformation in enterprise organizations. In fact, no other tooling parallels its business-focused out-of-the-box data model, designed to optimally interlink organizations’ existing and aspirational IT building blocks.

Often, our clients already have IT and/or digital transformation programs up and running. However, they’re not seeing positive outcomes (rapidly enough). They’re lacking alignment. They’re feeling the challenges of keeping their core business functions delivering to end customers while evolving their enterprise IT. Above all, they need to see the benefits of IT transformation faster in order to maintain momentum, buy-in, and funding for the project.

Our DXC ServiceNow Strategic Business Group team comes in to support the end-to-end management required. In a nutshell, our helicopter viewpoint enables us to refocus priorities for optimized returns. From DevOps implementation and self-service optimization to cloud, application portfolio and demand management, we unite the steps and silos that make up a client’s IT transformation journey.

Our starting point: Assessing current challenges, goals, and programs running. From there, we create a transformation roadmap utilizing the IT4IT framework in combination with ServiceNow. This identifies gaps — and, as such, paves the way to solutions — across the organization’s central axes: People, process, tools, data, integrations, and control.

Take the IT transformation readiness check

ServiceNow digital transformation: The first steps

Modernizing enterprise IT begins with key questions for our clients’ IT transformation program managers or CIOs:

1. What IT transformation initiatives are already underway?

Successful IT transformation (ensuring IT technical maturity) is the precursor to successful enterprise digital transformation (delivering on digitization of services). So what steps have been taken toward the goal-state IT operating model? Introduction of DevOps, cloud management, Agile, and other innovation-focused tooling often feature in the response. In addition, we look at how well these are contributing to the development of the necessary IT4IT value stream and capability.

2. What is the outcome so far?

Is the organization seeing, and happy with, the results to date? Typically, we hear from clients that they’ve invested significant time and funds but aren’t seeing any real change. They may be content with their Agile development process but they lack control over it. For example, releases and deployments are automated, so they’re unable to trace overall deployments per data set, application, and (direct to production) release pipeline. There’s a loss of control and ownership for IT operations teams; of traceability and accountability; of the ability to rapidly resolve incidents and outages. This becomes increasingly crucial as IT automation ramps up deployments from, say, once a month to three times a day.

3. Is there a Management of Change structure in place?

Are there effective communication channels set up for your IT and digital transformation projects? Ensuring stakeholders grasp the reasoning, step-by-step process, and end goals for each initiative is vital to maintain momentum, motivation, buy-in, and funding.

4. Do know if you’re reducing costs across your IT organization?

For this, traceability is key. If an ever-growing mass of tooling and automation is enabling, for example, adding a server in a single click, how do you know it’s disabled when not in use? Every action in the Requirement to Deploy phase (the build phase) of the IT4IT framework generates cost. Likewise, the way in which these connect to the other IT4IT value streams (Strategy to Portfolio, Request to Fulfill, and Detect to Correct). As a result, close management is required to ensure these expenses are truly creating value. In short, if an application won’t be utilized to its maximum, it’s not worth the spend.

These insights position us to shape an actionable transformation roadmap for our clients: The IT4IT blueprint for ServiceNow.

Explaining the IT4IT blueprint for ServiceNow

Tying together the outcomes of the key questions above, the ServiceNow blueprint practically maps a client’s way ahead. The actionable plan is tailored to the organization’s needs, prioritizing resolutions to its most complex, business-critical gaps.

The IT4IT blueprint for ServiceNow emphasizes interconnecting challenges, activities, and goals from the organization’s IT perspective and business perspective. Starting with quick wins and building to major gains over time, in terms of both cost-efficiency and service provided to end customers.

Kickstart your IT4IT and ServiceNow digital transformation

At DXC ServiceNow Strategic Business Group, we humbly believe that our combined expertise in ServiceNow and the IT4IT framework sets our digital transformation consultancy apart. Using IT4IT as our reference architecture, we create bespoke blueprints to drive our clients’ IT transformation (and subsequent digital transformation) forward, shaping data-driven longevity.

Take the IT transformation readiness check → 

Start your IT organization’s digital transformation with an IT4IT blueprint for ServiceNow. To contact our team to request your free demo, click below.


[1] IT4IT is a registered trademark of The Open Group 

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