
One system to rule them all: How Ask James lives among and talks to all your crucial HR, IT, and FM business systems

Coen de Frel
4 min read
One system to rule them all: How Ask James lives among and talks to all your crucial HR, IT, and FM business systems

To create a workplace that truly makes your employees’ lives easier, integration is key. Without it, solving even the simplest workplace queries can become a bit of a nightmare.   

In a dispersed office software landscape, figuring out where to go to log a request can be a time-consuming, frustrating experience for employees. Then if it’s an outdated, clunky, and complex interface when they get there? One that eats up even more of their time? Nightmare!  

The moment has definitely come to move beyond dispersed, siloed software landscapes. To evolve from multiple point solutions that struggle to provide an adequate employee experience, let alone optimize it. An Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) can help — and for organizations using ServiceNow, there’s now a leading IWMS application on offer: Ask James.  

HR, IT, and FM: the star trio for optimizing your workplace 

There are key departments that have the power to enhance any employee’s work life, if they join forces. HR, IT, and FM are the main players here — and if you can integrate them with your IWMS, you’re onto an employee experience winner.  

Let’s look at onboarding as an example. This really is a time where you want to have one intuitive location that serves all your new hire’s needs. First impressions count, after all! By linking your HR and IT systems via your Ask James IWMS, you can make sure the right company hardware (laptop, phone, etc.) is ready and waiting for your new hire on their desk. It’ll already be set up with their personal credentials, as well as the right programs and access approvals for their seniority level.  

That creates a truly professional, detail-driven welcome for any new employee. One that helps them settle in, helps them get to grips with your ways of working, and saves them busywork and confusion right from day one.   

By adding Ask James onto your ServiceNow foundation, you can create this style of one-stop shop for your employee needs. From onboarding to their final day, the Ask James interface will see them smoothly through whatever they need, whenever they need it.   

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Data-drive your workplace ecosystem with Ask James 

By connecting, communicating with, and managing data from all your office systems, Ask James will become one central, user-friendly hub for your Facility Managers, employees, and vendors alike. For everyone concerned, that’s a game-changer.  

The employee and vendor perspective  

With one user-centric interface to turn to for any query, the time savings for employees are obvious. With the ability to input issues and requests easily, their days will run smoother, breeding productivity and satisfaction.  

As for vendors, Ask James provides them with an equally user-friendly interface. They can view work orders, log maintenance actions, and access location details via the Ask James mobile app to find where they need to go in your building. That’s greater efficiency, throughout the vendor chain.  

The Facility Manager perspective  

From the Facility Manager side, Ask James enables taking data-driven, proactive, and cost-saving decisions. With all your vendor data in your own IWMS, you’ll easily oversee which contracts are working well, and which are simply draining your funds. No more ‘watermelon effect’ — where the selective data vendors report back to you is green on the surface, but the detailed reality is more red! Instead, you’ll be in firm control of your vendor ecosystem.  

If needed, you’ll also have solid data to inform developments in your organization’s approach to hybrid working, annual leave, employee incentives, and so on. With centralized insights into employee preferences and behavior patterns via Ask James, you can crunch those numbers to determine what your employees really want, need, and value from their employer.   

In this article you learn more about how AskJames gives you crucial data and insights to optimize employee efficiency.  

Build the right foundations to future-proof your FM 

Ask James can also integrate IOT sensor data from your workplace. From accurately gathering data on your corporate carbon footprint to helping your vendors action preventive maintenance, this is a vital asset looking ahead.  

Sustainability reporting requirements for the corporate world are only going to become more stringent, so having the data you need to meet them is key. Using Ask James as an IWMS, Facility Managers are supported to log, store, access, and report on this data. Per country, per year, and per quarter, Ask James enables tracking exactly where your organization is making strides in terms of sustainability, as well as where greater efforts are needed.  

Ask James: One IWMS to rule them all 

With Ask James’ integration capabilities, you’ll gain a holistic view of your workplace management, powering optimization across the board. The Ask James application is a straightforward add-on for organizations already working with ServiceNow, that can be easily customized from the user end.  

Interested in adding Ask James to your ServiceNow functionality? Go to to book in your demo.  

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